martedì 25 giugno 2013

Google Drive on Windows Server 2008 r2 problems

Problem: It may happens that installing google drive on a windows server 2008 r2 enterprise, it downloads and installs as it should, but when we click to sign-in and write user and password we get a screen saying "One moment please..." (Attendere un momento ... - nella versione italiana).

it doesn't sync or go on...

Tips: The Login box that appears for Google Drive is using the IE security settings. To bypass the default restrictions you have to add the google drive sites to the trusted sites:

internet Explorer -> Internet Properties->Security->Trusted Sites
any other regional google site you use.

It worked for me with real Win2008 Server (64bit) and virtuale Win2008 Server (32bit).

2 commenti:

  1. The trusted sites 'feature' has never been very convincing to me :)

  2. Si, pero' e' stato l'unico modo per far funzionare correttamente il Google Drive su Windows 2008 server con le restrizioni di sicurezza di default. Stranamente anche per me - l'autenticazione di Google Drive si appoggia proprio a questi.
